man ssh HD
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Application Description
Learn how to use Linux ssh terminal commands.
See how every command works with live access to ssh. For each function there is a sample of bash script where the selected command is used.
This is for learning the commands, and does not require a server. You will be set up to use a test site while you practice the commands.
›› arch - outputs the processor architecture
›› cat - outputs the contents of a file
›› cd - change the working directory
›› chgrp - change group ownership of files
›› chmod - change access permissions of files
›› chown - change file owner and group
›› cksum - print CRC checksum and byte counts of each file.
›› cp - copies a file
›› date - outputs the current date and time
›› df - reports the amount of disk space used and available on filesystems
›› dir - list directory contents
›› du - estimate file space usage
›› echo - display a line of text.
›› exit - cause the shell to exit
›› find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
›› free - display amount of free and used memory in the system
›› groups - outputs the user groups of which your account belongs to
›› hostname - outputs the machines hostname on the network
›› id - outputs user id, group id, and groups of your account
›› kill
›› killall - kill processes by name
›› last - show listing of last logged in users
›› ln - make links between files
›› logname - print user's login name
›› ls - list directory contents
›› man - open the manual page for a software or function
›› md5sum - outputs the MD5 hash sum of a file
›› mkdir - makes a directory
›› mv - moves a file
›› nl - number lines of files
›› nm - list symbols from object files
›› od - dump files in octal and other formats
›› pidof - find the process ID of a running program
›› ping - pings a host
›› ps - outputs running processes
›› pstree - display a tree of processes
›› pwd - outputs the name of current working directory
›› rm - removes a file or directory
›› rmdir - removes a directory
›› sha1sum
›› shutdown - bring the system down in a secure way. All logged-in users are notified that the system is going down
›› size - list section sizes and total size
›› stat - outputs file status
›› strings - print the strings of printable characters in files
›› tail - output the last part of files
›› talk - talk to another user
›› touch - change a file's access and modification timestamps. If file does not exist, create it
›› tty - outputs the name of the current terminal
›› uname - outputs operating system, hostname, kernel version, date and timp, and processor
›› uptime - outputs the system uptime
›› users - print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
›› vdir - list directory contents
›› w - show who is logged on and what they are doing
›› wall - end a message to everybody's terminal
›› wc - counts lines in a file
›› whatis - search the whatis database for complete words
›› who - outputs who is currently logged into the system
›› whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
›› whoami - outputs your username / the name of your account
See how every command works with live access to ssh. For each function there is a sample of bash script where the selected command is used.
This is for learning the commands, and does not require a server. You will be set up to use a test site while you practice the commands.
›› arch - outputs the processor architecture
›› cat - outputs the contents of a file
›› cd - change the working directory
›› chgrp - change group ownership of files
›› chmod - change access permissions of files
›› chown - change file owner and group
›› cksum - print CRC checksum and byte counts of each file.
›› cp - copies a file
›› date - outputs the current date and time
›› df - reports the amount of disk space used and available on filesystems
›› dir - list directory contents
›› du - estimate file space usage
›› echo - display a line of text.
›› exit - cause the shell to exit
›› find - search for files in a directory hierarchy
›› free - display amount of free and used memory in the system
›› groups - outputs the user groups of which your account belongs to
›› hostname - outputs the machines hostname on the network
›› id - outputs user id, group id, and groups of your account
›› kill
›› killall - kill processes by name
›› last - show listing of last logged in users
›› ln - make links between files
›› logname - print user's login name
›› ls - list directory contents
›› man - open the manual page for a software or function
›› md5sum - outputs the MD5 hash sum of a file
›› mkdir - makes a directory
›› mv - moves a file
›› nl - number lines of files
›› nm - list symbols from object files
›› od - dump files in octal and other formats
›› pidof - find the process ID of a running program
›› ping - pings a host
›› ps - outputs running processes
›› pstree - display a tree of processes
›› pwd - outputs the name of current working directory
›› rm - removes a file or directory
›› rmdir - removes a directory
›› sha1sum
›› shutdown - bring the system down in a secure way. All logged-in users are notified that the system is going down
›› size - list section sizes and total size
›› stat - outputs file status
›› strings - print the strings of printable characters in files
›› tail - output the last part of files
›› talk - talk to another user
›› touch - change a file's access and modification timestamps. If file does not exist, create it
›› tty - outputs the name of the current terminal
›› uname - outputs operating system, hostname, kernel version, date and timp, and processor
›› uptime - outputs the system uptime
›› users - print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host
›› vdir - list directory contents
›› w - show who is logged on and what they are doing
›› wall - end a message to everybody's terminal
›› wc - counts lines in a file
›› whatis - search the whatis database for complete words
›› who - outputs who is currently logged into the system
›› whereis - locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a command
›› whoami - outputs your username / the name of your account
Your mobile device must have at least 1.44 MB of space to download and install man ssh HD app. man ssh HD was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.99
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