MIDI SolFa Mode-Go-Round
Detailed App Info:
Application Description
The keyboard:
Like the scale, the keyboard is circular resp. spiraled.
* You can play it from all directions. With friends, too! You can play a canon together and go around the keyboard.
* There are only 7 keys per octave, similar to the white keys of the piano. This makes it easy to improvise nice melodies and chords.
* Choose a tonic and mode. There are 12 tonics and 7 modes (church modes resp. major/minor), thus 84 configurations.
* The keys have labels for scale degree, note name and solmization syllable. The labels and sounds depend on the current configuration. A beam angel displays the positions of the diatonic tones in the chromatic scale and their step pattern.
* Change the kay. The ordering of the 84 configurations make related configurations easy to reach. Simply add a single alteration sign, shift the whole scale by a half tone step, switch to related church modes or jump directly to your destination.
* Still prefer normal keyboards? See our MIDI features!
The sounds/mixer:
The keys and incoming MIDI notes trigger pre-recorded solmization syllables (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti) and/or instrument sounds.
* Choose a small male-choir or synthetic Bruno.
* Install arbitrary instrument sounds.
* Freely mix instrument and solmization sounds. Listen to the solmization of the tenor, hear the bass as piano and the soprano as flute notes.
The music theoretical playground:
The app is based on Thomas Noll's Tonkreisel exhibit. Please, see also his mathematical-music-theoretical topics, examples and tutorials for this app!
* Get a fine feeling for the character differences between the diatonic scales Major (Ionian), natural Minor (Aeolean) and the church modes Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian and Locrian.
* Understand how they are interrelated.
* Hide visual guides to test your knowledge.
* Improvise (with guidance) a four-part counterpoint canon note-by-note.
The syllables depend on the pitch, the chosen tonic/mode configuration and the solmization method.
* We visually and aurally support absolute solmization (Fixed-Do), relative solmization (Movable-Do) and scale degree solmization.
* Play notes, hear the solmization syllables and sing. Try it in different modes.
* Learn your part in a multi-voice piece. Switch on solmization only for one or two voices.
* Create scores that include solmization syllables as lyrics.
* Use the app as a Rosetta Stone of solmization.
MIDI features:
* This app both produces and receives MIDI notes and control commands.
* Selectivly connect to other apps and devices, e.g. another SolFa Mode-Go-Round, a MIDI piano (via adapter), sequencers, keyboard apps and use Garageband sounds.
* Simply record tracks, export, import and play midi files.
* Use the channel-based filters and settings. tune into specific voices and hear MIDI recordings analytically.
* Please, be aware that audio apps are demanding. There can be glitches when many notes, apps and devices are involved. Use the panic-button.
Special MIDI features:
* Notes are displayed on the keyboard. You can visually distinguish notes from different channels.
* The app sends and receives configuration changes commands.
* So you can make multiple classroom iPads modulate at the same time.
* You can also add bass notes with a notation program that make the tonic/mode configuration change.
Still not convinced?
Find documentation, background information and tutorials on the Tonkreisel and SolFa Mode-Go-Round website!
Have fun and let the mode go round!
Your mobile device must have at least 18.89 MB of space to download and install MIDI SolFa Mode-Go-Round app. MIDI SolFa Mode-Go-Round was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $4.99
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Dr. Garbers Softwareentwicklung Joerg Garbers at https://sites.google.com/site/solfamodegoround/app.
Copyright © 2012 Joerg Garbers