Space Shooter by M2 Studios
Detailed App Info:
Application Description
A new free space shooting from M2 Studios. A fun addicting shoot'em up for everyone with an iPhone or iPod.
Survive as long as possible by shooting enemies, avoiding enemies, and collecting power ups.
Unlock all of the gamecenter achievements.
Features include:
- Professional Graphics and Artwork
- Game Center Achievements
- Game Center Leaderboard
- Professional Music and Sound
- Addictive Gameplay
- Lots of Powerups
For more games, search iTunes 'M2 Studios' or visit
Survive as long as possible by shooting enemies, avoiding enemies, and collecting power ups.
Unlock all of the gamecenter achievements.
Features include:
- Professional Graphics and Artwork
- Game Center Achievements
- Game Center Leaderboard
- Professional Music and Sound
- Addictive Gameplay
- Lots of Powerups
For more games, search iTunes 'M2 Studios' or visit
Your mobile device must have at least 10.53 MB of space to download and install Space Shooter by M2 Studios app. Space Shooter by M2 Studios is available on iTunes for $0.00
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of M2 Studios at
Copyright © 2012 M2 Studios. All Rights Reserved.