Detailed App Info:
Application Description
Tired of logging miles by hand? Let TripAlly track them for you!
TripAlly helps you track, calculate and record the miles you drive directly from your iPhone. Whether you need to track miles for your small business, charitable contributions, employee reimbursement, or simply because you want to know, TripAlly can help.
TripAlly follows your entire trip using the GPS in your iPhone – not just your starting and ending address – and stores mileage reports by purpose, month and year. TripAlly lets you record the miles you drive, and maximize your business tax deductions or business reimbursements.
Use TripAlly on a trip-by-trip basis for free! TripAlly will show a single trip’s miles and your total miles driven.
Need more?
TripAlly can track everything for you. Register directly from your iPhone to get all TripAlly features — give a purpose to your trips, assign favorite routes, add manual routes, view trips by month and year, and print reports at your convenience.
More Details: view complete details at
NASE Registration and in-app purchasing
* The app is a free download but most of the features are not accessible unless you are registered.
* If you have membership in the National Association for the Self-Employed , you can register for free by inputting your NASE ID and last name. If your NASE account expires you will be told so and automatically logged out.
* You can also register by paying $9.99. When you choose this option you will be prompted for your iTunes account info and, if it is valid account, will be automatically charged and be able to register. You will not have to pay again for updates down the road.
* When you press start trip, the app finds your current GPS location and logs it as the first point of the trip.
* After the initial point, the app will ping the GPS every .3 miles for another point, which is then logged. Great for real estate agents, sales agents and anyone needing to track the miles they drive!
* The distance between the points (in order) is the total distance of the trip.
* If you quit the app while a trip is logging, when you relaunch the app, the app takes your current location as just another point and continues logging as normal.
* If in the case above the distance between the current point and the last logged point exceeds 7 miles (you had the app closed for a long distance), when you press “end trip,” instead of using the trip distance calculated by your GPS points, the app will calculate the quickest route between the first point and last point of the entire trip (using Google Maps) and use that as the trip’s distance instead.
Manual trips
* Manual trips let you specify the trip mileage by number of miles, by starting and ending odometer, or by calculating the distance (via Google maps) between two addresses.
Favorite trips
* You can indicate any trip (automatic or manual) as a favorite and it will allow you to specify a name like “daily commute.”
* Any trip (including favorites) has the option to “log this trip again.”
Users and syncing
* You can download the app and skip registration. If you do so you will not be able to access the trip history, add a manual trip, or use the favorite trips feature.
* If you log some trips before deciding to register, when you do register those trips will be automatically added to your online account.
* Changes are synced to the server as they are saved on the device. Changes made on the server are synced to the device whenever you tap “trip history.”
TripAlly helps you track, calculate and record the miles you drive directly from your iPhone. Whether you need to track miles for your small business, charitable contributions, employee reimbursement, or simply because you want to know, TripAlly can help.
TripAlly follows your entire trip using the GPS in your iPhone – not just your starting and ending address – and stores mileage reports by purpose, month and year. TripAlly lets you record the miles you drive, and maximize your business tax deductions or business reimbursements.
Use TripAlly on a trip-by-trip basis for free! TripAlly will show a single trip’s miles and your total miles driven.
Need more?
TripAlly can track everything for you. Register directly from your iPhone to get all TripAlly features — give a purpose to your trips, assign favorite routes, add manual routes, view trips by month and year, and print reports at your convenience.
More Details: view complete details at
NASE Registration and in-app purchasing
* The app is a free download but most of the features are not accessible unless you are registered.
* If you have membership in the National Association for the Self-Employed , you can register for free by inputting your NASE ID and last name. If your NASE account expires you will be told so and automatically logged out.
* You can also register by paying $9.99. When you choose this option you will be prompted for your iTunes account info and, if it is valid account, will be automatically charged and be able to register. You will not have to pay again for updates down the road.
* When you press start trip, the app finds your current GPS location and logs it as the first point of the trip.
* After the initial point, the app will ping the GPS every .3 miles for another point, which is then logged. Great for real estate agents, sales agents and anyone needing to track the miles they drive!
* The distance between the points (in order) is the total distance of the trip.
* If you quit the app while a trip is logging, when you relaunch the app, the app takes your current location as just another point and continues logging as normal.
* If in the case above the distance between the current point and the last logged point exceeds 7 miles (you had the app closed for a long distance), when you press “end trip,” instead of using the trip distance calculated by your GPS points, the app will calculate the quickest route between the first point and last point of the entire trip (using Google Maps) and use that as the trip’s distance instead.
Manual trips
* Manual trips let you specify the trip mileage by number of miles, by starting and ending odometer, or by calculating the distance (via Google maps) between two addresses.
Favorite trips
* You can indicate any trip (automatic or manual) as a favorite and it will allow you to specify a name like “daily commute.”
* Any trip (including favorites) has the option to “log this trip again.”
Users and syncing
* You can download the app and skip registration. If you do so you will not be able to access the trip history, add a manual trip, or use the favorite trips feature.
* If you log some trips before deciding to register, when you do register those trips will be automatically added to your online account.
* Changes are synced to the server as they are saved on the device. Changes made on the server are synced to the device whenever you tap “trip history.”
Your mobile device must have at least 256.42 KB of space to download and install TripAlly app. TripAlly was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of NASE National Association for the Self-Employed at
Copyright © 2009 NASE, Inc.