
  • Congkakcraze
  • Congkakcraze
  • Congkakcraze
  • Congkakcraze

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.3
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Games
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 7.5 MB

Application Description

Congkakcraze, experience Malaysia traditional board games on iPhone. Bring the culture and heritage of Malaysia to the modern platform.

Congkak is a game for two. It consists of a board which has several 'houses' and 'storehouses'. The objective of the game is to gather as many congkak marbles into the 'storehouses' on the player's side. It is a game which is played during one’s free time and is normally played by the women, especially liked by the youths. The game, whose gameplay is similar to mancala, is commonly played in (Indonesia (Borneo), Singapore, Malaysia, and Philippines).

The word congkak is believed to originate from old Malay "congak", meaning "mental calculation" which is mainly practiced in this game. It is regarded that an efficient player who mentally calculates a few steps in advance will have an advantage in collecting points to win the game.

The object of the game is to capture more mables than your oppornent.

•The congkak board consists of two rows of 7 holes called the 'houses' and two bigger holes called the 'storehouse'.
•Before the game starts the 'houses' are filled with seven congkak seeds each while the 'storehouses' are left empty.
•Both players begin simultaneously by scooping up all the shells in any house on their side.
•How the game continues, depends on where the last shell of each scoop is deposited.
•The first round ends when a player has no more shells on his side.
•Play resumes in the second round with players redistributing shells from their own 'storehouse' to their own 'houses'.
•The loser gets to start the second round.
•Play continues until one player loses all his 'houses' or concedes defeat.


★ Play against the computer or against another person in 2 player mode.

★ Play games with 1 or 3 rounds
★ Play games with 3, 5 or 7 marbles per house at start

★ Game setting for game play, autoplay and fastplay
★ Tutorial of how to play Congkak game


Your mobile device must have at least 7.5 MB of space to download and install Congkakcraze app. Congkakcraze was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Rojak Mobile Entertainment at

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