The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick (Lite)
Detailed App Info:
Application Description
Go beyond the book with The Exegesis of PKD powered by BookPulse. More than a regular eBook; BookPulse allows you to share Annotations; interact with other readers; connect with Facebook and share your reading experiences. Let the book come alive with BookPulse.
By reading the Lite social version of Exegesis you can:
*Enjoy many of the existing annotations from 10 PKD experts in an easy and comfortable UI
*Start and join discussions with other PKD fans and experts
*Share your thoughts with other readers through annotations and comments.
*Ask or answer questions in the dedicated Q&A section
*Receive updates on Exegesis and PKD through the dedicated news section
*Share your thoughts and the experts’ comments on Facebook
*The Lite version includes only the first few chapters of Exegesis.
BookPulse enables the community to add layers of additional information within the book, to engage in discussions with other readers and to connect with the editor and the author of the book.
For more information on the BookPulse platform see
By reading the Lite social version of Exegesis you can:
*Enjoy many of the existing annotations from 10 PKD experts in an easy and comfortable UI
*Start and join discussions with other PKD fans and experts
*Share your thoughts with other readers through annotations and comments.
*Ask or answer questions in the dedicated Q&A section
*Receive updates on Exegesis and PKD through the dedicated news section
*Share your thoughts and the experts’ comments on Facebook
*The Lite version includes only the first few chapters of Exegesis.
BookPulse enables the community to add layers of additional information within the book, to engage in discussions with other readers and to connect with the editor and the author of the book.
For more information on the BookPulse platform see
Your mobile device must have at least 8.18 MB of space to download and install The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick (Lite) app. The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick (Lite) was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt at
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