
  • iBookmarks
  • iBookmarks
  • iBookmarks
  • iBookmarks

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Productivity
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 137.34 KB

Application Description

Wouldn't it be great if your favorite websites were divided into a number of lists, sorted by categories such as: News, Sport, Finance and so on? Categories we could browse with a single swipe of our finger?

This exactly what iBookmarks does: Instead of making just one list of Bookmarks, you can makes groups of your favorite websites, such as: News websites, Sport, Finance, Technology, and any other category you can think of. The transition between the groups is done by simply moving your finger right to left and vice versa and is animated by cube effect.

In addition, iBookmarks allows you to know who the top 5 websites you browsed this month are. Pressing the Top5 button will present you with a pie chart with the top 5 websites you browsed that month, including the percentage.

This is not another application to be downloaded and forgotten. iBookmarkss will become an integral part of the way you use your iPhone.

IBookmarks is the simplest and most efficient way to lunch your bookmarks!

- Creating lists of favorite websites according to categories.
- Easy transition between the groups by a touch of a finger.
- An easy display of the 5 websites you browsed the most in any given month.
- Support for all possible languages (including right to left languages).
- Graphical UI with cube animation.


Your mobile device must have at least 137.34 KB of space to download and install iBookmarks app. iBookmarks is available on iTunes for $0.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Guy Gubi at http://ifavorites.orgfree.com/ifavorites/Welcome.html.

Copyright © Guy Gubi