Leon The Underwater Garbage Collector - LITE

  • Leon The Underwater Garbage Collector - LITE
  • Leon The Underwater Garbage Collector - LITE

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0.0
  • Device Type:Device: iOS Universal
  • Category:Category: Games
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 21.76 MB

Application Description

Based on the artwork of Montreal artist
Annie Groovie and on her successful series of illustrated books published by la courte échelle, the games are a new addition to Leon's unique one-eyed view of the world.

Move Leon around with the joystick to pick up the garbage while avoiding the obstacles in his path. The more garbage you collect, the more oxygen you will receive at each check point. Don’t let Leon run out of oxygen, or the game is over.

Official website: cyberleon.ca
Sardine website: sardineproductions.com
La courte échelle website: courteechelle.com/collection-leon
Radio-Canada website:radio-canada.ca/jeunesse


Adaptation des livres créés et illustrés par l’artiste montréalaise Annie Groovie et publiés aux éditions de la courte échelle, les jeux Léon se veulent une addition très amusante à l'univers de Léon et à sa vision unique du monde qui l'entoure.

Dirigez Léon en utilisant la manette de jeu afin qu’il ramasse les déchets au fond de l’eau tout en évitant les multiples obstacles. La quantité de déchets ramassés permettra d’augmenter le niveau d’oxygène à chacun des points de contrôle tandis que les obstacles le feront diminuer. La partie se terminera lorsque l’oxygène sera entièrement épuisé.

Site officiel de Léon: cyberleon.ca
Site Sardine: sardineproductions.com
Site la courte échelle: courteechelle.com/collection-leon
Site Radio-Canada: radio-canada.ca/jeunesse


Your mobile device must have at least 21.76 MB of space to download and install Leon The Underwater Garbage Collector - LITE app. Leon The Underwater Garbage Collector - LITE is available on iTunes for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Sardine Productions Inc. at http://www.cyberleon.ca.

Copyright © 2012 All rights reserved Sardine Productions Inc.