MultiApp 8 in 1

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 2.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Utilities
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 5.62 MB

Application Description

Featuring Eight applications in one location
EMF Meter
Tap Fast Game
ez Level
Tip Calculator
Battery Data

Pedometer: Will keep track of how many steps you have taken. Open the application and place it in your pocket.

Battery: Will show the user all the data that is relevant to the battery usage.

GPS App is now available! With this powerful application.
You can view your current location, longitude, latitude, & altitude.
On one easy to read display. Along with this data. GPS will show your current location via satellite photography.

Light: When you open Light for the first time, you'll see how easy it is use this well designed illuminating application.
Many uses for this type of app. For instance.
-Finding your way in a dark room in the middle of the night.
-Late night reading. In bed or on an Air plane so you wont disturb others nearby.
-Emergency lighting. When a Flashlight isn’t handy, you’ll have this app to illuminate your way to safety.

EMF Meter: Uses the built in compass hardware to detect Magnetic fields.

Tap Fast Pro: A game with one objective in mind. To find out who is the fastest button tapper in the world.
Via online rankings.
★High Score "Fran" @ 983 tap's★ wow nice job!

Level: is based on a highly refined engine with a slick new look. This level app will automatically adjust to whatever position that you may need. Vertical, horizontal, and surface are all adjustable. Once calibrated this app will automatically save your settings and be ready to go every time you need it.

Tip Jar: Will calculate tips based on the bill amount, bill split, and tip percentage. Tip Jar also has the ability to save each restaurant experience to a viewable "History" screen. You can even email the history details to your self or your boss. You'll be amazed how fast the totals add up.

Each app is a complete app by it's self even if you only need two of the eight you'll be saving yourself money, and saving room on your iPhone. Download this app and you can remove seven from your iPhone or iPod touch.

Note: the EMF Meter app requires a iPHone 3GS. However the other five app's will run on any device.
For a detailed description of each app download MultiApp, and click on the (i).

-update 2.0
Improved Items
-New Icon
-New Background and logo
-New Level Art
-Updated Info screen
-Improved buttons, and sounds

New Features
-Battery Data App
-Pedometer App
-in-app-mail ( recommend this app to a friend )

miscellaneous improvements


Your mobile device must have at least 5.62 MB of space to download and install MultiApp 8 in 1 app. MultiApp 8 in 1 was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $1.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Hamway Heather Yoes at

Copyright © Hamway 09