Nacirons Cartoonizer Live
Detailed App Info:
Application Description
Nacirons Cartoonizer Live is an iPhone App, that shows the real world seen via the iPhone camera as a live cartoon/comic style video stream. You can take photos and sent them to Facebook, via email or just save them.
You can add setting profiles to use your different cartoon/comic styles (i.e. black&white, change contrast, brightness, ...)
Look live at the world in a completely new way...
Mit Nacirons Cartoonizer Live kann man sich die Welt durch die iPhone Kamera als live Cartoon-Stream ansehen. Bilder lassen sich knipsen und an Facebook oder via eMail senden oder einfach speichern.
Über Einstellungen kann man unterschiedliche Cartoon/Comic Styles konfigurieren (z.B. Schwarz/Weiss, Kontrast und Lichtanpassungen, ...)
Mit Cartoonizer lässt sich die Welt live auf völlig neue Weise betrachten.
Your mobile device must have at least 409.02 KB of space to download and install Nacirons Cartoonizer Live app. Nacirons Cartoonizer Live was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $3.99
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Naciron Oliver Szymanski at
Copyright © 2010 Oliver Szymanski