Polish Alphabet
Detailed App Info:
Application Description
Nauka polskiego alfabetu jest przyjemna i łatwa, używając naszego edukacyjnego narzędzia. Elektroniczne karty Polskiego Alfabetu pomagają dzieciom rozwinąć umiejętność słuchania oraz zapamiętywania. Każda litera nawiązuje do słowa i związanej z nim wizualizacji. Ostrożnie dobieramy wszystkie obrazy w taki sposób, by dzieci mogły łatwo zapoznać się wymową i móc powiązać literę z przedmotem, na przykład: A jak Autobus
Learning Polish Alphabet is fun and easy with our teaching tool. Polish Alphabet flash cards help children develop listening and memory skills. Each letter corresponds to a word and its image. We carefully designed all images in such a way that children will easily get familiar with phonics and will be able to connect letter sounds with objects, for example: A is a Autobus.
Learning Polish Alphabet is fun and easy with our teaching tool. Polish Alphabet flash cards help children develop listening and memory skills. Each letter corresponds to a word and its image. We carefully designed all images in such a way that children will easily get familiar with phonics and will be able to connect letter sounds with objects, for example: A is a Autobus.
Your mobile device must have at least 12.21 MB of space to download and install Polish Alphabet app. Polish Alphabet is available on iTunes for $0.99
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of ZYAB Samvel Hovhannisyan at http://zyabs.com/.
Copyright © Samvel Hovhannisyan