theGuard! ImpactMonitor for iPad
Detailed App Info:
Application Description
theGuard! ImpactMonitor displays accumulated events and their status in real time, giving you an instant overview of possible problems in your business critical IT landscape. You can get to the root of these problems using detailed event messages. You can also organize the events you have received by categorizing them right on your iPad.
The graphical features of theGuard! ImpactMonitor make it easier for you to perform impact analyses by displaying the mutual dependencies between the objects in the IT landscape. Different zoom and filter options facilitate the search for the root cause of problems and help determine the impact of interruptions on your company's business processes.
The app is operated simultaneously with the core installation of theGuard! which means that new events are automatically loaded onto the iPad or sent in push mode. Moreover, any changes made in the iPad app are directly forwarded to the core installation.
The powerful features of theGuard! ImpactMonitor let you:
•display the number of new events and the total number of events per severity;
•display a list of all events ranked by severity or the total number of events and display the date and time as well as the affected node/managed object;
•display all details of a selected event including the time stamp, the affected object, and the event message;
•display the status, make status changes, and display the assigned user;
•perform a graphical impact analysis for an object and all objects that depend on it starting from an event. You can specify filter criteria to conveniently analyze the cause of an event and its effects.
•use a graphical severity filter and zoom options.
For detailed information about the configuration of the app, please find the configuration documentation in the REALTECH support area at
Installation of REALTECH theGuard! Business Process Manager (or theGuard! Business Service Manager with reduced functionality) in the versions 6.5 SP2, 7.0 SP2, or higher.
•On the iPad, an iOS version of 3.1.3 or higher is required.
•A network connection to the base installation is required for all functionality except for the alerting via push messages.
•For enabling the live functionality and for general configuration information, please contact your REALTECH contact partner.
Your mobile device must have at least 5.61 MB of space to download and install theGuard! ImpactMonitor for iPad app. theGuard! ImpactMonitor for iPad was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $37.99
If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of REALTECH Software Products GmbH at
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