Trump Cards - Supercars 2012

  • Trump Cards - Supercars 2012
  • Trump Cards - Supercars 2012
  • Trump Cards - Supercars 2012
  • Trump Cards - Supercars 2012

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.2.1
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Games
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 11.49 MB

Application Description

This is the classic trump cards game with a twist. In classic mode, the traditional rules apply. In duel mode, you can choose whatever card and category from your pack and use it to challenge your opponent.


Each pack of Trump Cards is based on a theme, such as cars aircrafts or tanks. This app is all about World War II Battle Tanks. Each card in the pack shows a list of numerical data about a tank. For example, each card shows the engine size, weight, speed and length of a particular model of a tank.

How To Play

All the cards are dealt between two players - you and a peer or bot. The player who receives the A1 card is the starting player.

*** Classic Mode ***

The starting player selects a category (speed for example) from his topmost card and calls out to challenge his opponent. The opponent then accepts the challenge. The higher value wins the round. The winner of the round takes the opponent’s topmost card and his own, and places them at the bottom of his pack. That player then looks at his new topmost card, and chooses a category for the next round.

The winner is the player who obtains the whole pack.

*** Duel Mode ***

The starting player selects a card and a category (speed for example) from his pack and calls out to challenge his opponent. The opponent then selects any card that he thinks will have a fair chance of winning the chosen category. Once the opponent has chosen his card, he accepts the challenge. The higher value wins the round. The winner of the round scores a point. That player then chooses a new card and a category for the next round.

The winner is the player who scores the most points.

*** Opponents ***

You can play this game with a peer via bluetooth. Or you can choose a bot to play against.

*** Dumbot ***

Dumbot should be the easiest opponent to beat. In Classic Mode, Dumbot chooses a category at random. In Duel Mode, Dumbot chooses any card at random, and any category at random without regard to the chances of winning of the card and/or category of his choice.

If you lose against Dumbot, don’t worry - Dumbot just got really lucky! ;)

*** Elizabot ***

Elizabot is an average player that gets better throughout a game. Elizabot is a learning bot. Elizabot remembers the values in each category of each card and gets a better sense of what is relatively high or low as she sees more cards.\n

In Classic Mode, Elizabot chooses from her topmost card the category with the best value relative to the cards she has currently on hand initially, and over time, relative to all the cards she has seen. Because cards are handed over to the winner of the round, Elizabot gains an advantage every time she wins a round because she learns every new card she sees.\n

In Duel Mode, Elizabot simply chooses a card from her pack at random and employs the same strategy she uses in Classic Mode. Because cards are “consumed” in Duel Mode, Elizabot does not have an opportunity to learn your cards.\n

Elizabot is tougher to beat in Classic Mode than in Duel Mode. See if you can learn and adapt faster than Elizabot can!

*** Brainybot ***

Brainybot is the toughest to beat. He knows how each card ranks in every category. In Classic Mode, he chooses from his topmost card the category with at least a 75% chance of winning - the value for that category is better than at least 75% of all cards for the same category. If no category satisfies that criteria, Brainybot chooses the worst category to eliminate a bad card.

Similarly in Duel Mode, if it is his turn, Brainybot chooses the card with a category that has at least a 75% chance of winning. Instead, if it is your turn, Brainybot chooses the card with the highest chance of winning for the category that you chose. If no card has at least 75% chance of winning in that category, Brainybot chooses the worst card in the pack (based on average percentiles of all categories) to eliminate a bad card.


Your mobile device must have at least 11.49 MB of space to download and install Trump Cards - Supercars 2012 app. Trump Cards - Supercars 2012 was updated to a new version. Purchase this version for $0.00

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of Jay Lacsam Jose Antonio Lacsam at

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