
  • workoutdata
  • workoutdata
  • workoutdata

Detailed App Info:

  • Last Changed:Time:
  • Current Version:Version: 1.0
  • Device Type:Device: iPhone Ready
  • Category:Category: Sports
  • iTunes Seller:Seller:
  • Download Size:App Size: 3.89 MB

Application Description

porteronline workoutdata is an Iphone and Ipad application especially for coaches and athletes. Athletes are able to fill in their sport-logbook every day. The questions in their logbook will be based on the burden of the workouts, the daily health and mood and injuries.

Coaches are able to compose questions in the online Talentview function. These questions can be composed per athlete or group of athletes individually. The athlete is also able to fill in his daily information when there is no internet connection. When the athlete does have a proper internet connection, the answers can still be send to the Talentview function. Furthermore is the coach able to send messages to respond to the data and achievements that have been put into Sportlog.

workoutdata can be used by all the athletes that have a Sporteronline account or create and the athletes that are connected to a website

workoutdata is een iphone of ipad applicatie voor coaches en atleten. Atleten kunnen dagelijks hun logboek bij houden, hierin kunnen vragen gesteld worden over de belasting binnen workouts, vragen over gezondheid en/of blessures en mentale vragen.

Coaches kunnen via het online talenvolgsysteem de vragen samenstellen per atleet of groep. Sportlog stelt de atleet instaat zijn logboek bij te houden ook wanneer hij geen internet heeft zoals op stages. Bij terugkomst kunnen de vragen alsnog worden gepost naar het talentvolgsysteem. Het is mogelijk dat de coach berichten stuurt naar de App over de prestaties en de gegevens welke zijn ingevoerd.

Sportlog is te gebruiken voor alle sporters die in het bezit zijn van een Sporteronline account of verbonden zijn aan website


Your mobile device must have at least 3.89 MB of space to download and install workoutdata app. workoutdata is available on iTunes for $0.99

If you have any problems with installation or in-app purchase, found bugs, questions, comments about this application, you can visit the official website of sporteronline Ronald Stolk at

Copyright © studio2 communications bv sporteronline