Browse iOS Apps by letter: Ir
- iReverse
- iReverse+
- iReverse Speech
- iReverse Speech Pro
- iReversi
- iReversi (Free)
- iReview
- iReview
- iReview Flashcards
- iRevil
- iRevise
- iRevise Macbeth
- iRevise Spanish Irregular Verbs 1
- iRevise Spanish: The Family
- iRevo App HD
- iRevo App Phone
- iRevo Remote Control
- iRevo Remote Tablet
- iRevolt
- iRevolution
- iRevolution HD
- iRevolution_lite
- iRevolver
- iRevolver Blue
- iRevolver Gold
- iRevolver HD
- iRevolver Lite
- iRevolver Mobile
- iRevolver Silver
- iRevoTrack
- iRevYou
- iReward
- iRewardChart Lite: Parents Reward Tracker Behavior Chore chart
- iRewardChart Lite: Reward Tracker Behavior Chore chart for Parents
- iRewardChart: Parents Reward Tracker Behavior Chore chart
- iRewardChart: Reward Tracker Behavior Chore chart for Parents
- iRewards Showcase
- iRewardU
- iRewardU for iPhone/iPod
- iRewardU for iPhone/iPod Lite
- iRewardU Lite
- iRewind
- IRExpo 2011
- iRey
- iRezQ
- IRF 2013
- iRF Calc
- IRF Cancun Annual Invitational
- iRF Core
- IRF Invitational 2014
- iRF101
- iRFC
- iRFC
- iRFExplorer
- iRFExpress For QAD
- iRFExpressForQADSSH
- iRFR - BTS
- iRFR - LR
- iRFR Preview
- iRGB - RGB|Hex
- Irgendwoland - Omi braucht Hilfe
- IRGR Magazine
- iRheology
- iRhino 3D
- iRhodes
- iRHRCalc
- IRHS Softball
- iRhyme
- iRhymes - Children Music
- iRhythm for iPad
- iRhythmic
- iRhythmicLite
- iRhythms HD - your compatibility
- iRhythms - your compatibility
- IRI 2012 Annual Meeting Conference App HD
- IRI 2012 Annual Meeting Conference App
- IRI Marketing Summit 2013 App HD
- IRI Marketing Summit 2013 App
- IRI Marketing Summit 2014
- IRI Mobile
- IRI Ops & Tech 2013
- IRI Ops & Tech 2013 HD
- IRI Ops&Tech 2014
- iRib
- IRIB World Service
- IRIBF Counter
- iRice
- iRich-- Income Rank in the world and USA
- iRich Text Editor - Write, Edit and Share
- iRich Writer - Edit Rich Text & Take Notes & Convert to PDF
- iRich Writer HD - Edit Rich Text & Take Notes & Convert to PDF
- iRichFields
- iRichter - Earthquake Alert System
- iRicky
- iRickyLite
- iRicochet
- iRicochet Free
- iRiddle