Browse iOS Apps by letter: Th
- The LOST Whispers
- The Lost Word
- The Lost Word FI
- The Lost World
- The Lost World (1925)
- The Lost World HD
- The Lost World Lite
- The Lot Book
- The Lotte
- The Lottery Winners
- The Lotto Shaker
- The LOTW App
- The Louisiana IceGators
- The LouLous in sweet dreams!
- The Lounge-FM
- The Lounge Soho
- The Lounger
- The Love Book
- The love Caculator 2013
- The Love Calculator
- The Love Calculator..
- The Love Dare: 40 Dares
- The Love Dare Day By Day
- The Love Dare Day By Day: 30 Days
- The Love Dare: Reminders
- The Love Doctor
- The Love Machine
- The Love Match Calculator
- The Love-O-Meter
- The Love of Uncertainty
- The Love Quiz
- The Love Scanner
- The Love Spinner
- The Love Spinner Lite
- The Love Tangram
- The Love Teller
- The Love Test
- The LoveCalculator
- The Lovely Lady
- The Lovely Lady!
- The Loving Hearts
- The Lowdown Online
- The Lowell Five
- The LowTax Group
- The loyal Pets Lite
- The Loyal Pets Pro
- The Loyalty App
- The Loyola App (Maryland)
- The Lucid Dream
- The Lucky Card
- The Lucky Numbers
- The Lucky Spot (by Beth Henley)
- The Lucky Wheel
- The Ludo
- The Lulus Memory Match
- The Lulus Memory Match HD
- The Lumees
- The Lumees FREE
- The Luminesce
- the Lunch Train
- The Lutheran
- The Lutheran Hour
- The Lutheran magazine
- The Luv Tree - Love Card Creator
- The Luxe Manor
- The Luxe Manor HD
- The Luxury Network
- The Lying Game Fan Quiz
- The Lynxxxtionary
- The M World
- The Macallan
- The Macallan for iPhone
- The Mace Firm Accident App
- The Machine Awakes
- The Machine Shop
- The Macon County Times
- The Macon Telegraph for iPad
- The Macy Kate App
- The Mad Hatter
- The Mad Square
- The Made in Ireland Directory
- The Madison Bear Garden
- The Madison Improvement Club
- The Madison/St Clair Record
- The Madman
- The Maestro
- The Maestro's Apprentice
- The Maestro's Butterfly
- The Maestro's Maker
- THE magazine
- The Magazine.
- The Magic
- The magic ball
- The Magic Brush
- The Magic Button
- The Magic Candy
- The Magic Castle
- The Magic Cat